Kingmaker Wiki

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* January 16 - Lady Wynne Orlovsky arrested under state orders. Beginning of widescale persecution of Orlovskys and Medvyeds as retaliation for last December's assassination attempt.

* February 1 - Lord Poul Orlovsky flees Brevoy to Iobaria along with a contingent loyal to him.

* March 15 - Many Orlovsky refugees flood into the Kingdom, setting up tenements.

* March 25 - The last known communication from Varnhold is heard as its inhabitants are kidnapped by Vordakai, the dread Cyclops Lich.

* May 20 - Leprosy plague is dealt with in Boatmurdered.

* June 2 - The party arrives at Varnhold to find it a ghost town, inhabited only by Spriggans and crows.

* June 8 - Meet Yeshua, the pink skeleton and save him from the pranks and depredations of the Fey.

* June 14 - Vordakai is defeated and his cruel plans for the region are foiled.

* June 28- City of Shriketon founded at the location of the former Stag Lord's Fort. A castle is soon built there.

* July 24 - Third year anniversary of the Kingdom.

* July 30- Begin complete annexation of Varnhold's territory.

* August 10 - Boggards invade the kingdom and cause widespread destruction.

* August 20 - Large influx of immigrants from Brevoy.

  • Note: not all dates completely match with the Meeting Minutes and the Adventuring Log... we will leave the mismatch to the artistic license of Bards, like Sharina Alind.
  • Note also, although 45 kingdom turns were done by June which would mean this is the 4th year, a wish spell reversed time. No one realizes this. Handwaivium.